
Possible areas of application

SIKA level switches provide reliable liquid level monitoring, and are used for:

  • Run dry protection
  • Spill protection
  • Leakage monitoring



Sika level switches are the easy and reliable solution for monitoring fluid levels. The switches are installed at the side using G¾ or G½ thread sizes. The time-tested float principle and a potential-free contact as the signalling transmitter guarantee a high level of operational safety.

The rising level in the tank forces the float up. Via paddle system, the magnet changes its position relative to Reed contact and actuates it. The repulsion between the two homopolar magnets and supports the buoyancy (Version VK... different). As soon as the level sinks again, the float follows also and the magnbet actuates the Reed contact again.

Works adjusted switching function

  • contact makes with rising level
  • contact opens with falling level

can be changed by the customer.

The Reed contact (3) used as signalling transmitter consists of two ferromagnetic contact making tongues positioned in a shielding gas filled glass bulb. As a result, burned contacts are virtually eliminated. This construction enables a durability up to 100 000 000 switching cycles.