
Possible areas of application

  • Beverages industry
  • Chemicals industry
  • Machine and plant engineering
  • Boiler construction
  • Large gear construction
  • Large compressor construction



The measuring principle
Digital thermometers of the DiTemp series work with a discrete-time process with one measurement cycle taking 3 seconds. The user can therefore read off the current temperature even in passing. A flashing activity symbol on the display indicates correct functioning of the instrument during the measurement cycle.

The display unit
The DiTemp has an easily readable LCD display.

The display unit
Instruments of the DiTemp series have a robust mechanical assembly and are designed for both industrial applications and use in harsh environmental conditions. The IP65 protection level (frontside) ensures these requirements are met. The immunity to electromagnetic interference satisfies the requirements of the current industrial standards.

Continuous self-test
After switch-on, the instrument performs an internal selftest that includes a check of the connected sensor. Automatic diagnostic routines continuously monitor the sensor signal and a broken sensor is indicated via the display unit. The microprocessor constantly tests the sensor signal for plausibility. In the event of a fault, the results are indicated on the display as an error code.